Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Gift of Winter

This is what I woke up to this February morning - an absolute, pristine winter wonderland in my corner of the world.  It didn't last too long but I enjoyed it.  Days like today make winter a gift in itself.

That's my hen house to the left of the swing set in the backyard.  It's a quiet place to hang out, get away from the kids, look up at the stars and contemplate life.  This is where I go to clear my head and, inadvertently, my sinuses too -  when it's been raining out.  Can we say - smelly hen yard?  Not the first sign of Spring that I look forward to each year.

Looking out at my favorite maple tree, the driveway and lovely rail fence that was rebuilt 1.5 years ago, thanks to Norm.  Gees, looks like someone's going to have to get the shovel out!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Slowly Goes a Never-Ending Flow...

Like a brimming, black, cast-iron cauldron balanced on a shaky tripod stand, I teeter back and forth.  The momentum of life's experiences continually churn around and threaten to overflow .  The burdens of responsibility, abandonment, loss, rejection, abuse, and betrayal rise ever so slowly up to the edge of the cauldron.  My fear reaches out and steadies it to prevent all that lies beneath the surface of my facade from flowing out never-ending.  Disguised in the form of these words I have to prepare myself and pour with care to ease the spillage's effect.