Monday, May 31, 2010

Bear is Taking Out the Trash!

On Tuesday, May 24, I was up until 2:00 a.m. composing a 4 page affidavit in response to my deadbeat Ex's latest and greatest request to get away with not having to support his kids.  The motion hearing court date was scheduled for Friday, May 28th and then adjourned until Friday, June 4th.  I only received the motion on Friday, May 21st - and had the weekend to type up a response to his affidavit.  It seems that he is looking for a variance motion to have his child support arrears disappear and on-going child support to be set at $0.00.

This is his 4th or 5th lawyer that he has gone through and he, as a true alcoholic's nature, blames everyone else in the world for his actions and wrongdoings.  Well, it looks like - if this variance thing doesn't go through before June 25, 2010 then he'll be incarcerated as per the Director of F.R.O.  It has been 3.5 years since he paid any child support and he really believes that he should be the exception and not be responsible or supportive to his 3 children.

So here I was, typing away, and had my garden door open to cool off my bedroom.  I heard some rustling around out there and at first thought the noises were coming from my neighbour's.  Then it sounded like it was below my deck.  Not long after I could hear something was being dragged on the gravel road, and that something was being torn apart.  I figured it was raccoons and decided to go out the front door and investigate.  I caught a glimpse of something black at the end of the driveway on the road, so I clapped my hands loudly and the garbage picker clamored through the bush beside my property.  Turns out that Yogi Bear came by to help take the trash bag out to the road for pick-up (Tuesday is garbage day).  The bear dragged that heavy garbage bag all the way down the middle of the driveway to the road.  So helpful and thoughtful of the bear to also add a few holes for ventilation.  I think I may need to put a sign out next time for him/her to put it more to the right side of the driveway in order that I don't drive over the damned bag.

p.s. My nickname from my Ex was 'Bear'.  Hmmm!  Could this be a sign?

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