At 42 years old I've spent a better part of my life crisscrossing and doubling-back on the same road and the consequences that I suffer from keep bouncing me back to the past. The patterns and believe systems developed throughout a lifetime - do tend to cripple me from becoming the person I know I can be and from having a future with some peace in it.
I struggle every day to move forward. I try to appreciate the blessings that I have in my life and the fact that they are also tying me to what I am fighting so hard to be free from. It's difficult not to condemn others for the way they deal with their problems. Being a true Virgo, I constantly analyze why another person decides to persist in destructive behaviour that potentially can drown me as well. I know on one level that I should not waste my time and energy trying to figure this person out and that I need to concentrate on why I do what I do. It's very difficult for me to not accept responsibility for others and realize that they are not my problem. My problem is me. I need to turn inward, face my own mistakes and learn how to improve myself.
To be truly free I have to realize that I am not responsible for someone else's actions. I am talking about a relationship with an alcoholic here. I have to detach myself and not permit to becoming a scape-goat and being morally bound to their responsibilities. Only when I can hold back from such a complete involvement will I have a new sense of freedom and strength.
Feisty Girl - Scarlette Rose - 4 mths old
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